Days like today make we want to go outside throw my hands up in the air and twirl around and around and just praise the Lord.
I like the way the wind feels,it makes me smile to share in its movement, the secrets of where it has travelled and what it has seen whispers to my soul. I like to say to myself the "Chinook" is blowing in, I like saying the word Chinook. The earth is being reborn again.
I say to winter I have loved and enjoyed your icy blasts,those cosy fireplace moments but, now I am ready to taste and feel the warmth of spring.
And even after experiencing fifty-eight spring events...I still find myself filled with child like anticipation. Another new beginning..Violets so tiny yet so strong in fragrance that they take my breath away but,and I find as I turn to go I have to go back for one more heady breath full. Tulips pushing pointed heads up through the cold earth. Daffodils with their sunny bonnets blowing slowly in the warm breeze.
One more season to rejoice.
Birds and their mates singing happy, trilling lyrics as they scamper to find new homes as they wait for the new generation of singers and whistlers to be born.
Hope for the future. Another chance to embrace life.
Welcome Spring and all the new beginnings you bring!