Friday, January 21, 2011


I have had a hard week; I have fought with Satan almost every day.

I have felt physically and spiritually exhausted.

Of course, Satan knows our weakest points and strikes us where we are most vulnerable. This was not our ‘first” fight, we have sparred many times!

As we battle, my mind tells me exactly what Satan is doing, but my heart does not always except the advice the mind has to give.

The battle resumes, he thinks he is victorious!

Then my God steps in and says “ENOUGH”!

The speed and accuracy of His deliverance leaves me spinning: there was no way, now there is a way.

He reminds me once again of His love for me and teaches me yet another lesson from yet another battle.

He so shook me last night that I am still reeling from His touch. He told me I am a Sovereign God; I am the Ultimate Power over your life. I reign Supreme throughout this Universe that I created. You have nothing to fear!

Grow your trust! Nothing can happen to you unless I allow it, and if I allow it then I am in the midst of it!

The word Sovereign burns in my heart. God has total control over my life and yours. Nothing happens without His knowledge. He is the Supreme, Permanent Authority.

All things are either allowed by Him or caused by Him for His own purposes, through His own timing and perfect will.

He is Creator and His Knowledge is perfect, His presence is everywhere, he Alone deserves the Glory.
He sees every battle, every heartache, need, and tear.

Romans 11:36 For of Him, through Him, and to Him, are all things; to whom be Glory forever.