Wednesday, April 17, 2013


If you feel that you do not know ME, then you have not looked for ME.

I AM everywhere, you have only to look.

MY beauty is unique and bountiful.

It is above you, below you, around you, inside you.

I bring forth light, and shut down the skies.

I call the wind to ride across the earth and release the rain from clouds on high.

I sing sweetly from branches bathed in abundant colors.

I am Hope, and Happiness, and Peace and Joy.

MY love spills over you like a waterfall into a refreshing pool.

I AM forever near, just a breath, a heartbeat separates me from you.

I long to love and know you better.

Proverbs 8: 17-  I love those who love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Seems another Spring has sprung...
Life renewing itself in every form...

New babies being born in the fields...
Spring flowers decorating the roadsides...

Skies seem bluer and sunshine feels warmer...
Gardens are plowed and ready to receive seed for falls bounty...

Daylight lingers a little longer each evening... 
and nights seem sweeter with the hope of warmer weather
playing on the breeze...

God has allowed us another new beginning...
But I was reminded as I looked at the budding
trees, look to the treetops, that is where you
will see me soon, where the sky and clouds meet
those treetops there I will be...

I am thankful for that reminder, for HIS Word says we
should be Watchful and Pray...
This is one Homecoming I do not want to miss...

With all my heart I believe we will see HIM above those
treetops very soon,, come to carry HIS children home...

I Thess. 4: 17
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together
with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air...

Thursday, January 17, 2013


This past year has been a hard one on so many levels.

It has been a year of births, deaths, sickness, love and lost love.

But, isn't that the old cliche "The Circle of Life".

Only easier when you are on the outside looking at others lives.

When it strikes at your door step it can be overwhelming, destructive,

and heartbreaking, leaving questions like "why" hanging in the air.

Now that the "smoke" has cleared a little I look back and reflect on all

that has occurred, and all that God has done and what HE has

taught me and brought me through. The psalmist said it best:

I called upon the LORD in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place

HE is my strength, and song and my Salvation.  Psalms 118,5,6

I have learned that  the words, "I trust you Jesus" are the most important words

in my vocabulary!

I have learned that without the LORD directing my every step I don't have a song!

I have learned yet again, that many of the things that I deemed important are not!

I have learned that the love of good friends and family are like a warm quilt when

they wrap their concern and prayers around you!

I have learned that a baby's sweet smile can make even the worse day good again!

I have learned that when the winds of change and bitter cold days rush your world

without a moments notice that I do not have to understand "why", I just need to look

to the ONE who controls the wind, the rain,  and the seasons of my life and just trust!

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?   Psalm 118: 6

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Watching Bird

I was driving back to work from lunch,  I noticed  a large beautiful bird soaring in the
sky, right along with my car.
I topped the hill of the street I was on and the bird continued to fly off to my
right, keeping pace. I saw the bird swoop toward my car and felt it
wanted to make sure I noticed it.
As I glanced in that direction I instantly heard that small quiet voice that I have
come to know as Father...
Yes, He said, it is me ! I am here, I know every twist and turn in this road called life.
I can see the road before you and I can see the road that you have traveled!
No storm cloud, high sea, or fierce wind can keep you from my sight
All of your journey's will not be filled with wonder and happiness but know that
you are mine and I am here soaring along with you, helping you find your way.
Even when you feel so lost.
Never doubt my nearness....

Even in the midst of the raging storms of life, God has us in His sight.

Joshua 1:9

King James Version (KJV)

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.