Monday, July 27, 2009


Do you think churches today get so caught up in
trying to establish this program and that program

that they lose sight of the “why “ we were doing it ?

Do desires for growth in numbers, outweigh the
desire for growth in souls won?
Do we whisk God off to the sidelines in our quest to
be bigger, better, best.

If we lose Him as our center and main objective, can
we thrive, can we survive?
Would you rather attend a spirit -filled, God centered
church with fewer programs or one plump with
programs and activities but lacking spirit?

What is it that you are looking for when
deciding on a church home?

1 comment:

  1. I vote for the Spirit-filled, God centered church with fewer programs.

    My ideal church experience would center around my feeling God's presence in each assembly.

    Next I would want to feel that my pastor really cares about me and I would want to feel compelled to let my pastor know that I love and support him. I want to respect my pastor and I want my pastor to respect me.

    I want to feel that I can talk to my pastor about anything and that he would listen and advise me by praying with me.

    Is it too much to ask for some excitement in worship? To feel the Holy Spirit moving in a unified body of believers is a wonderful and awesome experience.
