Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Painful Lessons

Painful lessons are usually doorways to new opportunities.
That is if we are receptive to the lesson being taught us.

With most of us the issue is priorities - we all need to
have a deliberate framework in place to help us make good
decisions, avoid lazy distractions, and increase our
inclination to obey.
When we spin our wheels and refuse to believe that maybe,
just maybe, we might have been at fault, or wrong, or too
prideful and arrogant to admit to ourselves
that we messed up and lost sight of the cross, we
never know what opportunities we may have missed
through our rebellion.

We pray and ask God to guide, direct, and lead us in
all that we do. Then we ultimately head off in
our own direction.
The framework of our life should consist of a daily dose
of Prayer and Bible. We need to be open to the leading
of the Holy Spirit and when we hear that soft small voice
whispering we need to have the courage to follow and obey.

When we know who we are and where we are going we can
live for God like we mean it!

1 comment:

  1. How sad it is to think about how many missed opportunities we may have had in the past. When I ponder on the subject it does make me want to commit to avoid the pitfalls that you mentioned in your post "Painful Lessons".

    Too often my commitment gets lost in the shuffle of life and my focus gets shifted back in those pitfalls.

    But when I have a morning like this morning when my prayer began before I got out of bed and continued during my morning shower and ended while drying my squeaky clean body, my focus is clear and my heart is full of God's love and wisdom. These are the moments when God is fresh and real and working in my heart and life to the fullest.

    May each moment, Lord, be as this precious moment. I love you, Lord, for first loving me.
