Thursday, October 7, 2010

Strong Winds

There are three huge pecan trees in my yard;
they are so beautiful.

I wish I knew how old they are and how long
they have stood sentry over my yard.

I am thankful for the cool canopy they
provide for our house in the summer, and
I love the bare beauty of them in winter.

They supply a bounty of nuts for me and all
the birds and animals in my yard. We all collect
our share and squirrel them away for future use.

I worry all season about those trees,
are they getting enough water?
Are they getting too much water?

Will the storms and winds break their delicate branches?
I have seen them bent almost to the ground from fierce winter winds and violent summer storms.

Battered by wind, hail, lightning, and rain, yet they stand!
They have persevered and become grounded, their roots have become soundly planted and with each passing year they dig deeper, mature, and grow stronger.

I think about our lives compared to those trees.
Throughout the storms of our life do we grow our roots stronger, do we become soundly planted or do we allow ourselves to be battered and beaten to the ground.

Unlike those trees, we have a Savior, who faced the ultimate trials and storms to save us all.
He catches the wind in his fists, and calms the waters and waves and rebukes the storms that come to destroy His children..

When we face wind and rain and hail, all we need do is look to the Cross and Stand!

Ephesians 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by Faith; that you , being rooted and grounded in love

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