Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Seasons of Change

Isn't it amazing how we can just feel a
change of season coming on...
There is a certain smell in the air....
Things feel different, mornings are cooler or
I know I write often of my love for nature,
it is because I think God gave us all of this
beauty to remind us daily of His love for us.
When the sun shines warm on my shoulders and
the wind whips through the it not
God saying , that was me, can you feel me, I
am here all around you...
I am so filled with love for Him this morning,
as I await Autumns brillant entrance.....

I want to sing of His love forever, and enjoy
every precious moment of this life He has given me.....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lazy Days

I just love watching the sky
big fluffy white clouds make me smile.
I'm intrigued with storm clouds, they rush
in and change a hot summer day into a
cool rain-washed evening...

Throughout the Bible God uses weather
to demonstrate His remarkable Power and
His gentle side with such incredible beauty.

How can there be people in this world that can look
around at the sheer majesty of creation and not just
know but, also feel the Love
of God.
The Earth is but a mere sample of what He has in
store for those who acknowledge Him and follow Him.

It amazes me when I think of how loved I am, how important
I am . All of the trials and struggles of this life will one
day be replaced with joy and laughter and love and peace.

It can make me long for home and a Father's sweet love.