Monday, June 11, 2012

Grateful Heart

I have been busy with canning and freezing
the vegetables and fruits of the season.

The harvest of summer gardens is an amazing time.
I love all the fresh food for my table and the thought
that my pantry will be full for the coming winter months
fills me with joy.

Not only does summer bring forth a bounty of goodness
to eat, the flowers and trees teem with their own beauty and smells.

I love the birds and butterfly's, darting about in my yard.
Hummingbirds zooming in for a drink, then off again quick as a wink.

My heart is grateful for another summer and for the goodness
of God's love over my life.

Our God is an Awesome God!

Happy Summer Everyone......

Psalm 132: 15
I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.

1 comment:

  1. So glad we have a friend that likes to cook and can! Thank you for always blessing us with your goodies!
