Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Inspiring Love

God is so good,
Isn't it amazing that people should
need inspiration
and motivation to love HIM...

What have we become when we have to
entice people to church and when there
they have to be entertained in order to
I love music and song and it
does bless our services...but would we
put the same heartfelt emotions into
worship without those things.
Do you need those things in order to
inspire worship?
When searching for a church home what
are you looking for?

1 comment:

  1. I have had some of my most worshipful moments with God when there was no music or singing. I do want to mention, however, that music and singing can be, and very often is, a great worshipful time of expressing love for God. Music and singing can be very effective in preparing our hearts for worship, as well as being worshipful in and of itself.

    I have to admit that I love to hear great singing even though I personally can't carry a musical note in a bucket. Maybe that's why I so appreciate those who can sing great and play musical instruments.

    When searching for a church home I seek God's direction to determine if He is leading me to a particular church. It is imperative that it is a Bible-based church where God's principles are taught and practiced.
