Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thankful to be able to say Thank You

One of the trademarks of living a Christian life is
to be truly thankful, thankful to God, thankful to others,
thankful for absolutely everything!
Just the privilege to be thankful and to be able to say it
is a gift in itself.
Days can get so busy that we forget the small stuff
like a simple thank-you spoken or a smile of thanks.
Believe it or not a simple gesture like that smile or spoken
word can improve your day as well as another.

Going out of our way to say thank-you to others
helps in growing our own character and
saying thank you to God each and everyday
assures Him of our love and faithfulness.

Ephesians 5:20 says it all....

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, I tend to forget to thank God for everything - even the bad things that happen to me. God can use the bad things to get my attention and to build character in me.

    It is amazing how God can turn a bad situation into a good one in a twinkle of a eye (we have studied that in Esther).
