Thursday, May 28, 2009

Waiting on the Lord

We all from time to time fight our battles
with Satan. As for me I become exhausted and
down-trodden and beg God to rescue me.
My focus is on the battle not the Lord and this allows
Satan to have just that much more control over me....

Recently in our Beth Moore "Esther" study she
showed us that we lose our strength when we wait
on the "event" . When our focus should be on "waiting"
for the Lord. His word tells us that our strength will be
renewed when we wait on HIM.
It is so hard when your in the midst of battle, to keep your
focus and stand firm waiting...we must pray for
discernment and discipline..

What helps you through your battles and how
do you stay strong while "waiting on the Lord"....

1 comment:

  1. Waiting for anything is difficult to do. We live in a "hurry up" society. The only way I can endure the wait while God is doing His "behind the scenes" activities is to try to remember how He has come through for me in times past.

    I remind myself that God has my best interests at heart. Also, I remember past times when I stepped out of line and didn't wait on God and the mess I made that God later had to clean up for me.

    Waiting on the Lord is not a passive thing to do. Actually, there are things we can do to "actively" wait on the Lord. We can be prayerful. We can seek the Lord through His Word. We can seek godly counsel. These are ways I try to stay strong while "waiting on the Lord".
