Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tell the Truth and Run

Never more than recently have I understood this old proverb:
Tell the truth and run.

I know, I know, “ truth can set us free“, “ truth is rarely pure
and never simple‘, “truth is more important than facts” just to
list a few sayings involving the word “truth”.

Is telling the truth all the time so important?

Lets consider a few truths, is truth important when a friend
might ask “so do you really think it looks good on me”?
Or when you are comforting a friend or family member
through a tough time and they look at you and ask, “do you
really think they are going to be okay”?

Now let’s consider another option, what if you saw sin in
the life of someone you cared about and because you
didn’t want to offend them or rock the waves of
your friendship you just chose to not address it.

Do you think when we have to stand before God and He asks why
didn’t you tell them the truth ? I could have healed them,
cured them, revived them, saved them, made them like new again.

I only hope that we never compromise our principles and truths
so as to not make waves. If a soul can be won from the truth
I hope that we would stand for it even if the waves that
were caused would bring forth a flood.

So what about you , any thoughts on truth?

1 comment:

  1. I believe that it is never wrong to do the right thing and it is never right to do the wrong thing.

    There have been times that I have not said something that was true because I did not want to hurt someone's feelings. My mother taught me that is being 'tactful'. I'm sure we have all done that at times and I don't see anything wrong with doing that - unless my silence hinders or hurts someone else (including myself). In that case, I have to weigh the pros and cons of keeping my silence.

    I do feel there are times when compromising can be appropriate. However, to compromise a principle or truth that I believe God has revealed to me is not something I am willing to do.

    I realize that some people may think I am strange and maybe a little quirky but I have to stay true to what I believe God is telling me.

    A true friend or family member would understand or eventually understand in time (I would hope); if my staying true to a principle or truth caused a conflict in our relationship.

    Life is difficult. It will be so nice when we get to heaven and we will not have to think about things like this.
