Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Wisdom of God

How we underestimate what God can do, in His time and His way….

I sat in our Esther study last night, amazed at what I was hearing..
Oh, the study as usual was good, great, wonderful…
but what truly amazed me was our instructor. She is married to
one of our pastors and she is just twenty-three years wise…but that
wisdom goes way beyond years.
I remember her saying just a couple of years ago, she didn't want to be
a Pastor's wife, did not want this job.
Now here she is ministering and instructing a group of women twice,
three times her age…and let me say…what sage advice she gives.

She is wise enough (more so than many of us) to consult with God on a
daily basis and she relies on His Wisdom. She has totally allowed God to
have domain over her life, marriage and existence and let me just say
It shows !
God knows who loves Him, seeks Him, and longs to know Him better.

Would you give up all you have or the dreams you had
for your life to follow and love Him?
Are you relying on your own wisdom, instead of HIs?
Are you experiencing His joy and love in your life?
If not just ask Him into your life, He is longing
to give you wisdom, love, joy and freedom.


  1. Sister Debby, you are so right about our Esther Bible Study instructor. I, too, am encouraged by her willingness to allow God to use her as an example to others (including me). She is doing a super great job.

    When God "reverses our destiny" it can be a scary experience. However, I know when it happened in my life it actually was a time when I felt I was set free to follow God on a new path that He had chosen specifically for me - when God moved us to Henderson, Texas in 1993.

    I truly felt that I was giving up my dreams and the life I loved to go where God needed me to go. God has blessed me beyond measure since this new journey began.

    My prayer is for each of our sisters in Christ who have been studying the book of Esther to feel excited and joyful as Beth Moore reveals more about God's plan for us and for our families.

  2. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. No age requirements.
