Monday, July 13, 2009

Babies, Battlefields, and Botox

Our lives tend to read like road maps..
When we were young and raising our
babies we were consumed with what
was best for them…and all we had
to give we gave….
As they grew older.. so did we …playpens and
parks and backyard fun were exchanged
for cars, and colleges and life's battlefields
Futures and finances, friends and foes…
They’re all a part of the road map of my life.

Creases and wrinkles (more than I like)
line my face now and help to
tell the story of my life, and I have to say
at this stage of my life Botox is
sounding better and better…Where do the
years go? Babies grow, battles are fought ,
some won, some lost…tears and smiles, births and deaths.

Yet, through it all God has been a
constant companion. A dynamic force in all of
the moments and memories of my life…and to know I will
spend forever with HIM…worry free, guilt free, (wrinkle free)
and loved beyond measure forever and ever,what a perfect ending.

But for those who love the LORD it is just the beginning !

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful thought. One day we will be arm-in-arm skipping along on the streets of gold in heaven singing songs of praise to Jesus (in our good singing voices) as we feel the wind in our good hair.

    Something to look forward to for sure!!
