Thursday, July 23, 2009


Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect.
It just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.---Unknown

Wow, that is so true.

We can spend our days pondering the why's and how comes.
We can spend our lives wishing for more than we have.
We can spend our happiness on not ever being satisfied.
We can spend our precious moments wallowing in self-pity.
We can spend our joy on worthless troubles.
We can spend our inheritance while here on earth.


We can spend our days pondering on the goodness of the Lord.
We can spend our lives satisfied with all the abundant blessings we have.
We can spend our happiness on others around us,

who may be desperatly in need of some happiness.
We can spend our moments comforting a friend or loved one.
We can be joyous because the Lord knows all about our troubles.
We can rest in the knowledge that our inheritance is waiting for us in heaven.....

1 comment:

  1. How true it is that happiness is a state of mind. We can decide that our happiness is precious and should be protected from wrong thoughts, harmful comments, and inappropriate actions.

    Unfortunately, it's not always easy to make that decision and to follow through with it.
    In the fresh morning air, we can decide to put God first and honor Him in all we say and do. I know from experience, something can happen to take my focus off of God and then my happiness can gone in a flash.

    Thank the Lord that our joy runs deeper than happiness. Happiness, being a state of mind, can be affected by many things including other people. Joy is from the heart and when we have Jesus in our hearts we can be sad and still have joy within our hearts.

    My mother once told me when she was very sick that she had lost her joy. I told her that her joy was still in her heart that she had just taken her focus off of Jesus and was thinking of her circumstances. We prayed together and she then smiled and said "I have found my joy". Her circumstances had not changed; she had changed her focus.

    How precious is our joy. If we focus on our joy and our love of Jesus, 'happiness' will be our state of mind.
