Monday, July 6, 2009

Passion Needs Compassion

Something happened to me recently
that started me thinking about this post.
I think we all have a passion for something.
If you've ever read anything I've wrote
then you know I have a passion for nature and
the Lord.
But, if I said that nature was a passion of mine
and I polluted the waters, or trashed
the highways with litter, or dis-respected
animals in their habitat, what
would that say about my passion for nature.

If my demeanor and actions regarding how I lived
was one that would bring shame and disgrace to
the Lord, what would that say
about my passion and love for God.

If a doctor had a passion for medicine and he had
an exceptional gift that could do miraculous
works but, his manner and attitude
was so abrupt and cold no patients
wanted to visit him, what would
that say about his passion. What miracles
and cures would he ever perform.
Lives could be lost.

I think of the passion Jesus must
have felt for us as he hung on the cross, yet
he asked God His Father to forgive those
who tortured Him and put Him to death.
His last actions on this earth were filled
with compassion, a direct result
of His love and passion for us.

Is your passion Jesus Christ? Do you look at
those around you and think "what's wrong with them"?
Or do you look at those around you and think I wonder
what could be wrong with them, do they need a friend,
are they hurting or in the depths of despair.
Is their a problem I can help with?
Just one simple act of compassion, like a kind word or
smile could change the whole outcome for someone hurting.
A life could be saved ! A soul could be won!

Do you react to situations , full of passion, ready to be right.
Or do you react with passion filled with compassion, ready to help ?


  1. I would like to think that I react with 'passion filled with compassion'. I know I could and should do more of it.

    When I have taken the time and made the effort to speak a kind word when someone looked like they needed one and/or helped someone who needed it, I actually felt like I was the one who received the blessing.

    God's Word tells us to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Sounds like a "no-brainer" to me. So why do I have to remind myself to do what I know I should do.

    I think about the times I have been the one who received the kind word and helping hand and how much I appreciated that person. God gets the glory when we react with 'passion filled with compassion'.

  2. You are one of the kindest souls I know...your life speaks of your heart of compassion my dear friend..

  3. I'm a nerd, but I love the meaning of Compassion in the Greek "to feel as if you've been kicked in the Gut"(cory version)

    You can't have compassion without passion, or else you really aint got compassion
