Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I have to tell you for the first time in a long
while I woke up feeling special; I know I have
to be a pretty important person, why? Because
Satan fights for me all the time! This lets me
know that he knows just how much my God loves me!

For the first time in months I feel liberated
and focused, like a huge burden has been lifted.
It is exhilarating to be a child of God and feel
secure that HE has your whole life under control.
Although, I still have a truck-load of troubles in
my life, I do not have to face any of them alone.

All I have to do is keep on keeping on, pray
without ceasing, read and study God’s Word,
exercise my faith, and trust in the incredible
love of the Father.
God’s word makes it clear that He rewards those
who earnestly seek Him.
Father, the Cross was certainly reward enough for me !

1 comment:

  1. When you wake up with a prayer on your lips, a song in your heart and a smile on your face your day just has to be a good one.

    I feel like I am at the beginning of a new adventure in the Lord. I am excited about what He has in store for me. Satan is not invited to join in this journey.

    Thank you, Jesus, for caring for me so much. When I look for you, you are always there for me. When I speak to you, you always answer me (although, the answer may not always be what I want to hear).

    Jesus, you are my GOOD SHEPHERD! Even in the times when I have taken myself outside of your will, you have never abandoned me. You have always faithfully watched over me and guided back to your safe and loving arms.

    I am your sheep and I know your voice when you call me. You protect me and I put my trust in you. Thank you for loving me!!
